Even busy bees take a rest once in a while to rest and recharge. 

Even busy bees take a rest once in a while to rest and recharge. If you are feeling worried or sad, be like a bee and take some time for some calm relaxing.

You may not be able to rest on a flower like a bee, but you can find a comfortable place to sit. Breath in and out very gently and slowly until your body relaxes.

Now think about the good things you can do or have done. Something that you feel proud of, like a special talent you have, or a good deed you did to help someone or an animal.

  • Draw or write about a good think you can do or have done using the download sheet below.
  • Being grateful and feeling graitude for things in your life can help boost your mental health too! Write down 3 things that make you feel safe and happy.
  • Draw a picture of your favourite game or toy and write down why you feel grateful for it in your life.
  • Make a BEE Thankful jar - download the activity sheet below for a sticker to add to your jar and further ideas.